Hotel Furniture Blog - Artone, LLC

Vetting Hotel Furniture Supply Companies? Don’t Forget These 8 Things

You’ve already made the first big decision; you’ve either decided to begin your journey in hospitality or expand your current hospitality portfolio. 

Either way, congratulations!

As with any major project, you’ll need to assemble a core team that will help bring your vision to life -- and also on time and on budget. That team will likely include a hotel casegoods manufacturer.


Mastering Your Hotel Casegoods Supply Chain Strategy

One of the biggest variables that impact a hotel project is when other people or service providers enter the equation. And it’s hard to complete a hotel project of any sort without involving outside entities. 


What Percentage of Hotel Construction Costs Should Go to Furniture?

All hotel projects have a budget. From construction to final installation and inspection every dollar is to be accounted for. When calculating your hotel costs these variables will play a major role:

  • Size/scope
  • Where it sits on the sliding luxury scale
  • Location, location, location
  • Innovation and sustainability

7 Boutique Hotel Design Trends Dominating the Industry

In 2018, there was conversation surrounding how boutique hotels -- and the hotel industry in general -- would fare with the new wave of alternative guest options, such as Airbnb. 

But, as a recent article from Hotel Online details, hotels not only stood their ground in the minds of consumers, the industry grew and flourished. This was true not only for major hotel chains, but for boutique hotels and hotel soft brands as well. One can attribute this growth to hotel brands closely monitoring hotel guests' preferred design trends, and renovating as needed.


What Should Multifunctional Furniture in a Hotel Room Include?

How often do hotel guests today actually use that huge walk-in wardrobe? That dresser? The minibar? How about even the nightside stand drawer?


Choosing Customized Hotel Bedroom Furniture vs. Catalog Furniture Collections

You’ve made so many decisions by the time your hotel project nears the finish line. Over the course of months (or even years) you’ve successfully:

  • Navigated budgetary concerns
  • Chosen a “dream team” of vendors and suppliers
  • Hand-picked aesthetic elements from carpet/drape schemes to drink coasters
  • & Everything in between

How Will Steel & Aluminum Tariffs Affect the Hospitality Industry?

The short- and long-term impacts of the Trump administration’s recently enacted steel and aluminum tariffs remain to be seen. To the hospitality industry, tariffs could either actually level the playing field between domestic companies and foreign competitors (as Trump intends) or create a greater overall struggle to build and produce (as tariff opponents fear).


4 Cost-Conscious Hotel Furniture Design Tips for Style & Longevity

Let’s balance all the considerations that go into a beautiful, functional, and durable hospitality design project. Of course, financial considerations delineate what’s possible and what’s realistic. But hotel furniture can be engineered and manufactured to meet your desired quality and aesthetic appeal standards.

Here’s how to get on the same page with your custom furniture manufacturer to achieve a hospitality design that stands the test of time.


5 Hospitality Design Mistakes that are Common (but Avoidable)


Even the best hoteliers have made hospitality design mistakes (maybe you’re a hospitality pro who can attest to this).

For any well-travelled individual, the hotel guestroom experience can start to become less than memorable - each guestroom could be in any hotel, anywhere in the world. Even the most creative hoteliers have fallen into the routine of thinking “standards” when it comes to guestroom configuration, design, and aesthetics.