
Peak Hotel Season Is Over... Now What?

peak hotel season

Despite the fact that hotel occupancy rates are on the rise in the United States, virtually all hotels and resorts experience a cyclical demand.

In most parts of the United States, the peak season is summer, when families travel for vacation and workers seek to get away for a few days. In those crucial months, the revenue is really flowing, only to see it slow and all but stop as the weather begins to cool.

So many hoteliers find themselves asking “Now what?

How to Make the Most of Hotel Low Season Months

There are many things you can do to increase your income and/or make good use of your extra time during the off-peak season.

We’ve outlined a few of the most important ones to take advantage of:

Adjust Room Rates

REVPAR is highest in peak season, and that’s an awesome feeling for any hotel owner. But, unfortunately, this high can’t last forever, and REVPAR needs to be adjusted as the seasons or traveler climate changes.

One of the most obvious things you can do to keep your rooms filled and money coming in during the off-peak season is to lower your room rates somewhat to attract guests who might not be able to afford your property during the height of the season.

Adjusting your prices doesn’t mean you need to lose money - make sure your prices are staying on par with your competitors in your area. While you never want to give your rooms away for less than they’re worth, it’s important your high room costs are not driving guests away in the off season.

(Note: It’s important to be aware of local events OR may you will consider hosting your own to attract new guests.)

Begin the Deep Cleaning Process

While cleaning in the off-season won't immediately translate into revenue, it will increase your attractiveness to your guests and save you having to take your staff away from the regular duties during the peak season.

This is a great time to tackle those extra, deep cleaning tasks that are difficult to accomplish when you have a full house.

Have the Hotel Inspected

No hotel owner or manager wants a health or hospitality inspector underfoot while there are scores of guests around. During peak season, it’s nothing more than another headache to worry about.

It’s better to schedule such visits, if possible, in the off-season when there are fewer people in the hallways and public rooms.

Evaluate Your Furniture

Hotel furniture and casegoods take a lot of wear and tear from guests during the peak season. It’s important to take time during the off season to make sure that your furniture can physically withstand another upcoming peak season, as well as make sure it looks okay and there is no visible damage.

If you’re looking to replace any pieces within your guest rooms, contact us! We can customize pieces that will blend seamlessly into your existing design, or help you re-do your guest spaces entirely.

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Address : 1089 Allen St.

Jamestown, New York 14701

Phone : (716) 664-2232

Fax: (716) 664-1511
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