
3 Benefits of Exhibiting At The 2019 NEWH Product Showcase

This year we were again awarded the opportunity to exhibit at the 2019 NEWH Product Showcase. Last year we exhibited in Orlando and discussed our feedback, here. (NOTE: Exhibitors for the NEWH Regional Trade shows are selected using a lottery system.)

If you do not know about NEWH and their events, here are some of the highlights:

  • The Network of Executive Women in Hospitality, Inc. (NEWH) is one of the premier networking organizations in the hospitality industry.
  • The trade show is more intimate than other industry shows. This provides the opportunity for you to have more meaningful conversations with current and prospective clients.
  • NEWH is has “Chapters” across the United States and Canada.
  • NEWH Regional Trade shows travel to six different chapter regions each year -- providing multiple opportunities to get in front of your target audience.

As a custom guestroom casegoods manufacturer we can’t (and don’t) sell our products from a catalog. So, in order for us to continue to expand our brand recognition, it is crucial that we are able to be in front of our target market to talk about and, more importantly, demonstrate, our quality and craftsmanship. The NEWH regional trade shows give us the platform to do that.

Why It Is Important To Consider Trade Shows?

  1. Develop Strength in Your Brand
  2. Networking
  3. Industry Knowledge/Education

1.Develop Strength In Your Brand

Success in business can often be attributed to a company’s branding, especially in the hospitality industry where trust and reputation are everything.

Exhibiting at a trade show is one way a company can present to the industry their focus, craftsmanship, and the ability to afford a presence at events and conferences.

2. Networking, Networking, Networking

We would not go as far as to say, “it’s not what you know, but who you know in the hospitality industry,” but having a well-respected reputation and portfolio of projects under your belt certainly helps. Trades shows, like NEWH, bring together a targeted group of people.

The people who attend trade shows have a vested interest in the products or services your company offers (which makes gives your sales team a leg up). Talking to the right people during trade shows can drastically increase your lead and customer base.

3. Industry Knowledge / Education

Trade shows present a unique opportunity to educate yourself about trends, challenges, and new projects currently happening.

Take advantage of being surrounded by other industry professionals by simply walking the floor to observe product displays and networking. Additionally, trade shows are often the stage where new products are launched. This offers the perfect opportunity to stay up on the cutting edge technologies, research and product developments.


To find out where we will be exhibiting next, follow us!

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